3rd Education Congress on Physiotherapy Education

Book these dates in your agenda!

website link: http://congress2012.physioaustria.at/

Advancing the Professional Profile –
Continuing Professional Development to promote Evidence Based Physiotherapy
Main aims will be:
§  To provide a forum for an integrated view of professional education issues for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in Europe, ranging from the perspective of educators, professional organisations, employers, national authorities and the individual physiotherapists.
§  To facilitate strategies that will advance the quality of professional education to meet the challenges of a scientific discipline as well as a regulated profession.
Objectives of the Congress
1.  To focus on the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of physiotherapy as a scientific and practice based discipline
§  Enhance the desire for learning among colleagues as a main factor for CPD
§  Strategies to best implement physiotherapy research evidence into every-day practice
§  Teaching and learning Evidence Based Physiotherapy using clinical guidelines and standards of practice
§  Clinical reasoning and decision making in physiotherapy
§  Interdisciplinary learning and practice
§  Education and development of professional identity
2. To explore a range of opportunities for Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
§  Validation and recognition of formal, nonformal and informal CPD
§  High-quality research environments
§  Masters and PhD's bridging academia and practice
§  Clinical academic career paths
§  Quality Assurance
3. To focus on challenges in Europe related to education and employment policies in the health sector
§  Legacy of the Bologna Process
§  Pathways to accreditation
§  Changes in health; population needs and delivery of services
§  Work force planning
§  Management and leadership
4. To provide a forum for dissemination of research and quality development in education, from a lifelong perspective.
§  Interaction between research, teaching and innovation
§  Innovation in curriculum development
§  Quality assurance in higher education
5.  To facilitate the development of education methods, specialisation and work based learning
§  Collaboration between universities and work places
§  Work based learning in a creative and flexible environment
§  Education for specialisation and employment

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